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Google Penalty Recovery India

It’s no secret that the Google penalty for emerging business is the worst nightmare. Red Lemon is quite a veteran in identifying Google penalties and fixing them. Our team reviews the webmaster guidelines & algorithm parameter to put your site back on Search Engine Ranking Pages.

  • Google Certified Company
  • Recovery from manual penalties
  • Dodging malformed links from your site
  • Recovering from an algorithmic penalty
  • 00% white hat and legitimate practice

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Google Penalty Recovery

Has your Business suffered from a heavy loss of traffic due to the Google Penalty Service? With affordable Penalty Recovery Service and 9 years of service in the Industry for over 100 clients, Red Lemon is the best solution for your Business. There could be several factors that cause website traffic to get lost and rankings to drop, the ones assessed by Google are scrutinized first to begin with the analysis. Hidden text, keywords stuffing, and several other reasons fall within the Google’s penalty filters and hamper your online presence.

At Red Lemon, the experts for SEO ensure a structured process to eradicate the Google penalty from your company’s website,

Manual Penalty

We take a close look at your account to know if your account has been knocked down by a manual penalty to begin recovering the traffic.

Algorithmic Penalty

We begin by checking the type of penalty laid on the website; whether it is Panda or Penguin algorithmic penalty and come to a strategic layout as a solution.

Content Analysis

Google recognizes an overly done content as a spam content which suffers from heavy traffic loss. The team at SEO will carefully design unique content strategy and keep evaluating the content.

Identifying Bad Links

We recognize and identify a list of low-quality back links that causes trouble to your website.

Removal of the bad back-links

After educating the client of the underperforming back links, we request a check and removal of those from the website.

Disavow Bad Backlinks

Disowning the bad back links that could not be removed and further work upon the good quality backlinks.


Get found in the top search results, get more visitors, and get more sales

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