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Terms and Conditions

Career Booster - redlemondigital
LAVA Mobile Phone - redlemondigital
Quectel - redlemondigital
HDFC Reality - redlemondigital
Prop Basket - redlemondigital
Amity Software - redlemondigital
Techdrive - redlemondigital
ASC - redlemondigital
Ashiana - redlemondigital
Alviarmani - redlemondigital

Red Lemon Terms & Conditions for Digital Marketing Services

These Standard Terms and Conditions (collectively termed as the "Agreement") dictate the norms under which Red Lemon may manage digital campaigns for the CLIENTS/ADVERTISER.

Terms and Conditions shall apply to all agreements inferred between the Company and the Client to the exclusion of any other terms that Client seeks to incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

Red Lemon aims to maintain a professional decorum with its client’s. By engaging Red Lemon digital with their business, the clients will be accepting the following terms and conditions:

The Contract/ Contractual Relationship
  • The independent contract created between the clients and Red Lemon clearly states that no partnership or joint venture is intended or implied by either party.
  • The date of commencement of services will be agreed by both the parties, and charges for the services will be applicable accordingly.
  • Red Lemon Reserves the rights to subcontract with a third party service provider.
  • Red Lemon reserves the rights to cancel the contract whenever deemed necessary.

The Payment
  • If client has enrolled/signed up for monthly service from Red Lemon, they are obliged to pay a full chargeable amount before the commencement of the work.
  • If Red Lemon and Client agree on a fixed quotation regarding any services, they are liable to pay the billed amount before the commencement of the work, in advance.
  • Red Lemon will send the invoice to the clients on a monthly, quarterly, annual basis, or whenever your services require a renewable.
  • If the client fails to pay a monthly invoice for the respected services, Red Lemon holds the right to terminate the services immediately.

The Liability
  • Red Lemon is not liable/ responsible for any kind of loss indirect or consequential loss occurring due to delay in the delivery of services, where the delay is because of natural, unmanageable, or uncontrollable circumstances.
  • Red Lemon is not responsible for the claims, losses, liabilities, and expenses made by the third parties related to any liability claims, false advertising claims, defamation claims for products or services sold by the client.
  • Red Lemon is not responsible for the patent claims, claim due to disruption, malfunction, copyright or trademark infringement of products or services provided or submitted by the client for publication.

The Privacy Rights
  • Red Lemon keeps the client credentials like name, e-mail, phone number, website log-in details confidential & safe and do not expose to the third party.
  • Red Lemon takes reasonable precautions to prevent loss, leak, misuse, or alteration of information.
  • Red Lemon uses SSL encrypted technology for safe money transactions and to provide maximum security against cyber threats. Red Lemon uses cookies to understand user preferences, show them relevant info, and further for further web optimization.
  • Red Lemon has taken an extensive measure for the safe transfer of data. However, in the case of breach of security or loss of information. The company shall not be liable for reimbursement or compensation.


Red Lemon holds the right to modify/alter the above-mentioned terms & conditions, whenever judged necessary without any notice.

We complete every project with experience hand


We collect client’s info considering their different goals for business and marketing.


We create an idea or plan of action with an objective to target client’s goal.


ur creative, development, digital, social media and client servicing team collaborate to incorporate actions.


The SEO will function and target relevant traffic to your website. Our compelling approach and diligent efforts will help increase the ROI and get maximum traffic on the website. A consistent effort in increasing your TOP line revenue will further help in your business development.
You need to be patient as we invest time and effort in the process of seeing expected changes. You will definitely start seeing improvements within the first month in the rankings. However it may take 3 to 4 months to see tangible results on your website after our experts begin to work on various aspects of SEO. You can get an idea of our efficient and dedicated service by visiting our SEO Results page.
- Intensive study and research on the website
- Listing and reporting of potential keywords.
- Finalizing Keywords.
- Baseline keyword ranking analysis.
- Scrutinizing the website and recommending changes.
- Gather info on website from the client.
- Executing on page optimization.
- Continuous SEO off-page activities.
- Articles, blogs and content creation.
- Asking approval on contents from the client.
- Content marketing.
- Manage monthly reporting.
Social media promotion has become quite a popular element of internet marketing, which includes but not limits itself to social media platforms, blogs, forums and online communities. Along with SEO, SMO is also very important as it generates high quality website traffic on your page thus expanding your reach online.
After the day of receiving all the relevant information, it will take 3 to 5 business days for logo design options to be ready.
You can absolutely re create your website as per your requirement. We abide by the latest trends and transitions in the industry along with the device friendly feature.
You shall receive JPEG/PNG file of your logo design for approval. Once approved, an open-file for the same shall be sent to you.
The websites are made sure to be highly and efficiently optimized. Also, the design is compatible and adapts with mobile screen size.
PPC lets you generate traffic on your website in the quickest and most convenient way possible. It works by bidding on chosen keywords in a particular position in search engine. An organic way of obtaining such result might call for a specialist and in depth knowledge of website algorithms and website organizational skills. Pay per click, however, lets you achieve this in a much convenient way.
The complete handover of the website along with all the files and database is done on the final day of delivery of the project. We provide complete handover of the website files and database. You can opt for new service provider as per your requirement.